help Опубликовано: 15 декабря 2007 Поделиться Опубликовано: 15 декабря 2007 Начгни с понимания того, что любая еда в конечном итоге ведёт к смерти. Ну и отталкиваясь от того, что есть вредно, начинаем составлять для себя меню. Кто-то придерживается рекомендаций Пагано, кто-то ест всё сырым и его ПА затих от этого, вариантов масса, самому придётся разбираться и для себя что-то подобрать. Увы, псор - не триппер, универсального лечения нет :( Ссылка на комментарий Поделиться на других сайтах More sharing options...
виктор Опубликовано: 23 января 2008 Поделиться Опубликовано: 23 января 2008 Самое вредное это жрать ченить вредное и думать о последствиях,я когда думаю только хуже,а так сожрал пол торта нахрюкался водки и довольный ходишь (или неходишь) :lol: ,а обострение на недосыпание списать можно и работу нервную. Кстати раньше мне после хорошего перепоя даже лучше бывало,а щас запуган жизнью и от бокала пива ощютимое обострение,но хоть водка не агресивна и по праздникам не брезгую. :) Ссылка на комментарий Поделиться на других сайтах More sharing options...
Dead Bride Опубликовано: 22 марта 2008 Поделиться Опубликовано: 22 марта 2008 Я эти все гадости (чипсы, колы) ничерта в последнее время не употребляю - ну его в баню, там и здоровый человек скопытиться может, я уж не говорю про псориатиков. Я размышляю так - в алкоголе даже меньше всякой гадости, да и, если честно, для меня приятнее для души хряпнуть пивка пару литров, чем выпить 0,5 колы ил сьесть пачку чипсов. Кстати, к пиву в последнее время употребляю только сыр чечел или фисташки - это хоть натуральное. Если нету оных - пью просто так, а всякие сухарики-чипсы идут лесом Ссылка на комментарий Поделиться на других сайтах More sharing options...
FROL Опубликовано: 23 марта 2008 Поделиться Опубликовано: 23 марта 2008 для меня приятнее для души хряпнуть пивка пару литров, чем выпить 0,5 колы Для души-то приятнее, а для псора?.. У меня от пива обостряется, и многие говорят то же. Ссылка на комментарий Поделиться на других сайтах More sharing options...
Amrita Опубликовано: 23 марта 2008 Поделиться Опубликовано: 23 марта 2008 (изменено) Всё правильно. Но, я о другом.Пришлось мне как-то поучаствовать с проверкой на заводах, где готовят эти напитки. Был с комиссией на Кока Коле. Чистота и порядок везде. Работники в белых халатах. Новейшее оборудование. Производство колы ведётся при соблюдении всех санитарных норм. Приятно. А потом был на Пепси. Вот тут я был в шоке от увиденного. Грязное оборудование, антисанитарные условия производства и..... крысы. Правда было это лет пять назад. Может уже исправились. Так что, если захочется выпить синтетики, берите лучше "пертусиновую" колу, но не пепси. Советую, как очевидец. Сам не пью эту гадость, да и вы не пейте! Около года назад занесла меня работа на завод Кока-колы. Преподавала я тогда тех. директору завода в Питере, и мы с ним в частности обсуждали сам продукт и т.д. Он мне тогда говорил, что Кока-кола безвреднее Фанты и Спрайта, там меньше каких-то этих добавок, и сам брал для маленькой дочки колу домой (видела сама). Я тогда еще подумала что человек, который отвечает за производство данного напитка не станет намеренно вредить своему ребенку... Хотя понятно, что это химия как ни крути. Сам тот чел, кстати, чаще пьет просто воду или кофе. И чисто у них, действительно, очень. Меня с экскурсией (как любимого преподавателя) водили по заводу, интересно, только шумно там страсть. Не знаю как можно так работать целый день... Изменено 23 марта 2008 пользователем Amrita Ссылка на комментарий Поделиться на других сайтах More sharing options...
Ina Опубликовано: 23 марта 2008 Поделиться Опубликовано: 23 марта 2008 как то Объектыч по причине приёма антибиотиков не мог пить своё любимое пиво и пил Кока Колу.... через три дня началась жуткая аллергия :) а ребёнку он вредит :) хоть и не намеренно, но это для ребёнка ничего не меняет... Ссылка на комментарий Поделиться на других сайтах More sharing options...
admiral Опубликовано: 25 мая 2008 Поделиться Опубликовано: 25 мая 2008 тема про МакДоналдс избитая, но все же еще одно напоминание :) Ссылка на комментарий Поделиться на других сайтах More sharing options...
GreenFlowers Опубликовано: 7 ноября 2008 Поделиться Опубликовано: 7 ноября 2008 А почему никто не затрагивает тему Ред була, берна, нон-стопа? А-то тема про актимэль есть даже, а про "энергетики" никто не говорит? Ну тогда Я скажу. Так называемые "энергетики" - хуже 100 грамм. Во-первых с 1 баночки не вставит, с 3 - да, но это не энергия, это как кофеин, это то, что заставляет организм работать на износ, а это очень-очень плохо и вредно...чего уж говорить об этой гадости внутри организма...На работе ставили эксперемент - смешали выше перечисленные "напитки" и налили в белую кружку, после чего кружку до сих пор никто из участников не смог отмыть от красного цвета :(...Что же тогда с почками и печенью тех людей которые так пристрастились к этим "напиткам". И еще...не будем забывать, что сейчас во многих подобных продуктах...пиво, био йогурты, растишки, актимэли...в состав добавляют вещества которые способны вызывать зависимость. Это Я узнал от родственников, которые работают на пивном заводе сегодняшнего производства. Ссылка на комментарий Поделиться на других сайтах More sharing options...
help Опубликовано: 7 ноября 2008 Поделиться Опубликовано: 7 ноября 2008 Это не "как кофеин", это именно кофеин и есть, в огромной дозе. Просто почитай состав на банке :( Ссылка на комментарий Поделиться на других сайтах More sharing options...
GreenFlowers Опубликовано: 8 ноября 2008 Поделиться Опубликовано: 8 ноября 2008 Это не "как кофеин", это именно кофеин и есть, в огромной дозе. Просто почитай состав на банке :D Читал, но по мимо кофеина там куда больше гадости... Ссылка на комментарий Поделиться на других сайтах More sharing options...
Murrra Опубликовано: 8 ноября 2008 Поделиться Опубликовано: 8 ноября 2008 вообще то "нормальные энергетики" типа ред була и всякой хрени ваще не вставляют!!!! просто энергии прибавляют, и пить их надо не больше банки в день и то химия сплошная...беееееееее а вот если ягуары глотать то они так вставляют, что потом отравления и все последствия...и от ягуара( энергетик со спиртом или чем там) печень точно потом в белом друге( унитазе) оставить можно... короче отрава всех отрав Ссылка на комментарий Поделиться на других сайтах More sharing options...
GreenFlowers Опубликовано: 8 ноября 2008 Поделиться Опубликовано: 8 ноября 2008 вообще то "нормальные энергетики" типа ред була и всякой хрени ваще не вставляют!!!! просто энергии прибавляют, и пить их надо не больше банки в день и то химия сплошная...беееееееее Во-первых - вставляют, во-вторых никакой энергии они не прибавляют, читайте внимательней то что я о них написал раз уж отвечаете на мой пост. И пить их вовсе не нужно. Ссылка на комментарий Поделиться на других сайтах More sharing options...
help Опубликовано: 9 ноября 2008 Поделиться Опубликовано: 9 ноября 2008 Заранее извиняюсь за огромный пост. Эта тема про Е-добавки прочие полусъедобные штуки. Вот наиболее полный список добавок, из чего получают и описания "вредности" каждой из них. Переводить нет сил, но тут всё просто, это не Шекспир :D Приятного аппетита :) ------------------------------------ E - Number----- Name----- Comments/Dangerous E100 ----- Cur cumin ----- orange-yellow colour; derived from the root of the curcuma (turmeric) plant, but can be artificially produced; used in cheese, margarine, baked sweets and fish fingers E101 ----- Riboflavin, Riboflavin-5'-phosphate ----- 'Vitamin B2' and colour; occurs naturally in green vegs, eggs, milk, liver and kidney; used in margarine and cheese E102 ----- Tartrazine ----- FD&C Yellow No.5; known to provoke asthma attacks (though the US FDA** do not recognise this) and urticaria (nettle rash) in children (the US FDA** estimates 1:10 000); also linked to thyroid tumours, chromosomal damage, urticaria (hives) and hyperactivity; tartrazine sensitivity is also linked to aspirin sensitivity; used to colour drinks, sweets, jams, cereals, snack foods, canned fish, packaged soups; banned in Norway and Austria E104 ----- Quinoline Yellow ----- FD&C Yellow No.10; used in lipsticks hair products, colognes; also in a wide range of medications; cause dermatitis; banned in USA and Norway E107 ----- Yellow 7G ----- yellow colour; the HACSG* recommends to avoid it; people who suffer Asthma may also show an allergic reaction to it; typical products are soft drinks; banned in Australia and USA E110 ----- Sunset Yellow FCF, Orange Yellow S ----- FD&C Yellow No.6; used in cereals, bakery, sweets, snack foods, ice cream, drinks and canned fish; synthetic; also in many medications including Polaramine, Ventolin syrup; side effects are urticaria (hives), rhinitis (runny nose), nasal congestion, allergies, hyperactivity, kidney tumours, chromosomal damage, abdominal pain, nausea and vomiting, indigestion, distaste for food; seen increased incidence of tumours in animals; banned in Norway E120 ----- Cochineal, Carminic acid, Carmines ----- red colour; made from insects; rarely used; the HASCG* recommends to avoid it E122 ----- Azorubine, Carmoisine ----- red colour; coal tar derivative; can produce bad reactions in asthmatics and people allergic to aspirin; typical products are confectionary, marzipan, jelly crystals; banned in Sweden, USA, Austria and Norway E123 ----- Amaranth ----- FD&C Red No.2; derived from the small herbaceous plant of the same name; used in cake mixes, fruit-flavoured fillings, jelly crystals; can provoke asthma, eczema and hyperactivity; it caused birth defects and foetal deaths in some animal tests, possibly also cancer; banned in the USA, Russia, Austria and Norway and other countries E124 ----- Ponceau 4R, Cochineal Red A ----- FD&C Red No.4; synthetic coal tar and azo dye, carcinogen in animals, can produce bad reactions in asthmatics and people allergic to aspirin; banned in USA & Norway E127 ----- Erythrosine ----- FD&C Red No.3; red colour used in cherries, canned fruit, custard mix, sweets, bakery, snack foods; can cause sensitivity to light; can increase thyroid hormone levels and lead to hyperthyroidism, was shown to cause thyroid cancer in rats in a study in 1990; banned in January 1990, but not recalled by the US FDA**; banned in Norway E128 ----- Red 2G ----- Banned in Australia and many other places except UK E129 ----- Allura red AC ----- FD&C Red No.40; Orange-red colour used in sweets, drinks and condiments, medications and cosmetics, synthetic; introduced in the early eighties to replace amaranth which was considered not safe due to conflicting test results; allura red has also been connected with cancer in mice; banned in Denmark, Belgium, France, Germany, Switzerland, Sweden, Austria and Norway E131 ----- Patent blue V ----- Banned in Australia, USA and Norway E132 ----- Indigotine, Indigo carmine ----- FD&C Blue No.2, commonly added to tablets and capsules; also used in ice cream, sweets, baked goods, confectionary, biscuits, synthetic coal tar derivative; may cause nausea, vomiting, high blood pressure, skin rashes, breathing problems and other allergic reactions. Banned in Norway E133 ----- Brilliant blue FCF ----- FD&C Blue Dye No.1; used in dairy products, sweets and drinks, synthetic usually occurring as aluminium lake (solution) or ammonium salt; banned in Belgium, France, Germany, Switzerland, Sweden, Austria, Norway E140 ----- Chlorophylis, Chlorophyllins ----- green colour occurs naturally in all plants; used for dyeing waxes and oils, used in medicines and cosmetics E141 ----- Copper complexes of chloropyll and chlorophyllins ----- olive colour, no adverse effects are known E142 ----- Green S ----- green colour; synthetic coal tar derivative; used in canned peas, mint jelly and sauce, packet bread crumbs and cake mixes; banned in Sweden, USA and Norway E150 [a] ----- Plain caramel ----- dark brown colour made from sucrose; the HACSG* recommends to avoid it. used in oyster, soy, fruit and canned sauces, beer, whiskey, biscuits, pickles E150 ----- Caustic sulphite caramel ----- see E150(a) E150 [c] ----- Ammonia caramel ----- see E150(a) E150 [d] ----- Sulphite ammonia caramel ----- see E150(a) E151 ----- Brilliant Black BN, Black PN ----- coloor; coal tar derivative; used in brown sauces, blackcurrant cake mixes; banned in Denmark, Belgium, France, Germany, Switzerland, Sweden, Austria, USA, Norway E153----- Vegetable carbon ----- black colour, charcoal pigment; used in jams, jelly crystals, liquorice; only the vegetable derived variety permitted in Australia, banned in the United States E154 ----- Brown FK ----- banned in USA E155 ----- Brown HT (Chocolate) ----- brown colour, coal tar and azo dye; used in chocolate cake mixes; can produce bad reactions in asthmatics and people allergic to aspirin; also known to induce skin sensitivity; banned in Denmark, Belgium, France, Germany, Switzerland, Sweden, Austria, USA, Norway E160 [a] ----- Carotene, alpha-, beta-, gamma- ----- orange-yellow colour; human body converts it to 'Vitamin A' in the liver, found in carrots and other yellow or orange fruits and vegetables E160 ----- Annatto (Arnatto, Annato), bixin, norbixin ----- red colour; derived from a tree (Bixa orellana); used as a body paint, fabric dye, digestive aid and expectorant; used to dye cheese, butter, margarine, cereals, snack foods, soaps, textiles and varnishes; known to cause urticaria (nettle rash), the HACSG* recommends to avoid it E160 [c] ----- Paprika extract, capsanthin, capsorubin ----- red colour derived from red peppers. E160 [d] ----- Lycopene ----- red coloured carotenoid found in tomatoes and pink grapefruit, can cause decreasing risk of cancer E160 [e]----- Beta-apo-8'-carotenal (C 30) ----- orange colour, no adverse effects are known E160 [f] ----- Ethyl ester of beta-apo-8'-carotenic acid (C 30) ----- orange colour, no adverse effects are known E161 ----- Xanthophylls - Lutein ----- yellow colour derived from plants, naturally found in green leaves, marigolds and egg yolks E161 [g] ----- Xanthophylls - Canthaxanthin ----- yellow colour possibly derived from animal sources (retinol); the pigment is found in some mushrooms, crustacea, fish, flamingo feathers E162 ----- Beetroot Red, Betanin ----- purple colour derived from beets; no adverse effects are known E163 ----- Anthocyanins ----- violet colour matter of flowers and plants; seems safe E170 ----- Calcium carbonate ----- mineral salt, used in toothpastes, white paint and cleaning powders; may be derived from rock mineral or animal bones; sometimes used to deacidify wines and firm canned fruit and veg.; toxic at 'high doses' E171 ----- Titanium dioxide ----- white colour used in toothpaste and white paint, pollutes waterways; no adverse effects are known E172 ----- Iron oxides and hydroxides ----- black, yellow, red colour used in salmon and shrimp pastes; toxic at 'high doses' E173 ----- Aluminium ----- avoid it, banned in some countries E174 ----- Silver ----- avoid it, banned in some countries E175 ----- Gold ----- avoid it, banned in some countries E180 ----- Latolrubine BK ----- avoid it, banned in some countries E181 ----- Tannic acid, tannins ----- clarifying agent in alcohol; derived from the nutgalls and twigs of oak trees; occurs naturally in tea E200 ----- Sorbic acid ----- either obtained from berries or synthesised from ketene; possible skin irritant E201 ----- Sodium sorbate ----- no known adverse effects E202 ----- Potassium sorbate ----- no known adverse effects E203 ----- Calcium sorbate ----- no known adverse effects E210 ----- Benzoic acid ----- also known as flowers of benzoin, phenlycarboxylic acid, carboxybenzene; added to alcoholic beverages, baked goods, cheeses, gum, condiments, frozen dairy, relishes, soft sweets, cordials and sugar substitutes; used in cosmetics, as an antiseptic in many cough medications and an antifungal in ointments; can cause asthma, especially in those dependant on steroid asthma medications, is also reputed to cause neurological disorders and to react with sulphur bisulphite (222), shown to provoke hyperactivity in children; obtained from Benzoin, a resin exuded by trees native to Asia E211 ----- Sodium benzoate ----- used as antiseptic, as a food preservative and to disguise taste, as of poor-quality food; orange soft drinks contain a high amount of it, upto 25mg per 250ml; also in milk and meat products, relishes and condiments, baked goods and lollies; used in many oral medications including Actifed, Phenergan and Tylenol; known to causes nettle rash and aggravate asthma E212 ----- Potassium benzoate ----- people with a history of allergies may show allergic reactions. for using see 210 E213 ----- Calcium benzoate ----- see 212 E214 ----- Ethyl p-hydroxybenzoate ----- avoid it, banned in some countries E215 ----- Sodium ethyl p-hydroxybenzoate ----- avoid it, banned in some countries E216 ----- Propyl p-hydroxybenzoate ----- possible contact allergen E217 ----- Sodium propyl p-hydroxybenzoate ----- avoid it, banned in some countries E218 ----- Methyl p-hydroxybenzoate ----- allergic reactions possible, mainly affecting the skin E219 ----- Sodium methyl p-hydroxybenzoate ----- avoid it, banned in some countries E220 ----- Sulphur dioxide ----- derived from coal tar; all sulphur drugs are toxic and restricted in use (in USA, FDA** prohibits their use on raw fruits and vegetables), produced by combustion of sulphur or gypsum; known to provoke asthma attacks and difficult to metabolise for those with impaired kidney function, also destroys vitamin B1; typical products are beer, soft drinks, dried fruit, juices, cordials, wine, vinegar, potato products E221 ----- Sodium sulphite ----- decontaminating agent used in fresh orange juice; see 220 E222 ----- Sodium hydrogen sulphite ----- see 220 E223 ----- Sodium metabisulphite ----- treating agent, see 220 E224 ----- Potassium metabisulphite ----- see 220 E225 ----- Potassium sulphite ----- see 220 E226 ----- Calcium sulphite ----- avoid it, banned in some countries E227 ----- Calcium hydrogen sulphite ----- avoid it, banned in some countries E228 ----- Potassium hydrogen sulphite ----- see 220 E230 ----- Biphenyl, Diphenyl ----- banned in some countries; can be used for agricultural purposes; typical products are citrus fruit E231 ----- Orthophenyl phenol ----- banned in some countries; can be used for agricultural purposes; typical products are pears, carrots, peaches, plums, prunes, sweet potatoe, citrus fruit, pineapples, tomatoes, peppers, cherries, nectarines E232 ----- Sodium orthophenyl phenol ----- see 231 E233 ----- Thiabendazole ----- banned in some countries, can be used for agricultural purposes, typical products are citrus fruits, apples, pears, potatoes, bananas, mushrooms, meat, milk E234 ----- Nisin ----- antibiotic derived from bacteria; found in beer, processed cheese products, tomato paste E235 ----- Natamycin ----- mould inhibitor derived from bacteria; sometimes used medically to treat candidiasis; can cause nausea, vomiting, anorexia, diarrhoea and skin irritation;.typical products are meat, cheese E236 ----- Formic acid ----- avoid it, banned in some countries E237 ----- Sodium formate ----- avoid it, banned in some countries E238 ----- Calcium formate ----- avoid it, banned in some countries E239 ----- Hexamethylene tetramine ----- avoid it, banned in some countries E249 ----- Potassium nitrite ----- colour fixative and curing agent for meat; nitrites can effect the body's ability to carry oxygen, resulting in shortness of breath, dizziness and headaches; potential carcinogen; not permitted in foods for infant and young children E250 ----- Sodium nitrite ----- may provoke hyperactivity and other adverse reactions, potentially carcinogenic, restricted in many countries, can combine with chemicals in stomach to form nitrosamine, the HACSG* recommends to avoid it E251 ----- Sodium nitrate ----- also used in the manufacture of nitric acid, as a fertiliser and in fermented meat products (see 250) E252 ----- Potassium nitrate ----- may be derived from waste animal or vegetable matter; used in gunpowder, explosives and fertilisers, and in the preservation of meat; may provoke hyperactivity and other adverse reactions; potentially carcinogenic; restricted in many countries (see 249) E260 ----- Acetic acid ----- main component of vinegar, synthetically produced from wood fibres; used in pickles, chutneys, and sauces E261 ----- Potassium acetate ----- food acid; should be avoided by people with impaired kidney function; typical products are sauces, pickles E262 ----- Sodium acetate, Sodium diacetate ----- food acid, acidity regulator; no known adverse effects E263 ----- Calcium acetate ----- food acid, acidity regulator; by product in the manufacture of wood alcohol; used to make acetic acid (vinegar) and in the production of dyers mordants E264 ----- Ammonium acetate ----- can cause nausea and vomiting E270 ----- Lactic acid ----- food acid, acidity regulator; produced by heating and fermenting carbohydrates in milk whey, potatoes, cornstarch or molasses; difficult for babies to metabolise; used in sweets, dressings, soft drinks (sometimes beer) infant formulas and confectionary E280 ----- Propionic acid ----- all propionates are thought to be linked with migraine headaches; propionates occur naturally in fermented foods, human perspiration and ruminants digestive tract, also can be derived commercially from ethylene and carbon monoxide or propionaldehyde or natural gas or fermented wood pulp; produced when bacteria decompose fibre; commonly used in bread and flour products; E281 ----- Sodium propionate ----- may be linked to migraines, typical products are flour products E282 ----- Calcium propionate ----- see 281 E283 ----- Potassium propionate ----- see 281 E290 ----- Carbon dioxide ----- propellant, coolant, derived from lime manufacture; may increase the effect of alcohol; typical products are wine, soft drinks, confectionary E296 ----- Malic acid ----- derived from fruit or synthetic; infants and young children should avoid it E297 ----- Fumaric acid ----- derived from plants of the genus Fumaria esp. F. officianalis or from the fermentation of glucose with fungi; can be used to flavour, acidify, as an antioxidant or raising agent used in soft drinks and cake mixes E300 ----- Ascorbic acid ----- flour treating agent, 'vitamin C'; may be made synthetically from glucose, naturally occurs in fruit and vegetables; added to products as diverse as cured meat, breakfast cereals, frozen fish and wine E301 ----- Sodium ascorbate ----- sodium salt of vitamin C E302 ----- Calcium ascorbate ----- vitamin C, may increase the formation of calcium oxalate stones E303 ----- Potassium ascorbate ----- potassium salt of vitamin C E304 ----- Ascorbyl palmitate, Ascorbyl stearate ----- fatty acid esters of ascorbic acid, same function as E300 E306, E307, E308, E309 ----- Tocopherols, alpha, gamma, delta ----- 'vitamin E'; found in many vegetable oils, including soy, wheat germ, rice germ, cottonseed, maize; works as an antioxidant for fatty acids and tissue fats, preventing vitamin A from oxidation; used in margarine and salad dressings E310 ----- Propyl gallate ----- used to prevent rancidity in oily substances; derived from nutgalls; may cause gastric or skin irritation, gallates are not permitted in foods for infants and small children because of their known tendency to cause the blood disorder, methaemoglobinemia; used in oils, margarine, lard and salad dressings, sometimes used in packaging E311 ----- Octyl gallate ----- see 310 E312 ----- Dodecyl gallate ----- see 310 E317 ----- Erythorbic acid ----- produced from sucrose E318 ----- Sodium erythorbate ----- produced from E317 E319 ----- Tert-ButylHydroQuinone (TBHQ) ----- petroleum based; the HACSG* recommends to avoid it. May cause nausea, vomiting, delirium. A dose of 5g is considered fatal. Typical products are fats, oils, margarine E320 ----- Butylated hydroxy-anisole (BHA) ----- petroleum derivative, retards spoilage due to oxidation; used in edible oils, chewing gum, fats, margarine, nuts, instant potato products, polyethylene food wraps; not permitted in infant foods, can provoke an allergic reaction in some people, may trigger hyperactivity and other intolerances; serious concerns over carcinogenicity and estrogenic effects, in large doses caused tumours in lab animals, banned in Japan in 1958, official committees of experts recommended that it be banned in the UK, however due to industry pressure it was not banned, McDonald's eliminated BHT from their US products by 1986, see also Butyl compounds E321 ----- Butylated hydroxy-toluene (BHT) ----- petroleum derivative; see E320 E322 ----- Lecithins ----- emulsifier derived from soy beans, egg yolks, peanuts, corn or animal resources; non toxic but overdose can upset the stomach, kill the appetite and cause profuse sweating; used to allow combination of oils in margarine, chocolate, mayonnaise, milk powder; must be chosen vegetable type E325 ----- Sodium lactate ----- derived from milk (lactic acid); may contain pork rennin or whey in process, young children with lactose intolerance may show adverse reactions E326 ----- Potassium lactate ----- see 325 E327 ----- Calcium lactate ----- see 325 E328 ----- Ammonium lactate ----- see 325 E329 ----- Magnesium lactate ----- see 325 E330 ----- Citric acid ----- food acid, naturally derived from citrus fruit, used in biscuits, canned fish, cheese and processed cheese products, infant formulas, cake and soup mixes, rye bread, soft drinks, fermented meat products E331 ----- Sodium citrates ----- food acid; no known adverse effects E332 ----- Potassium citrates ----- food acid; no known adverse effects E333 ----- Calcium citrates ----- food acid; no known adverse effects in small quantities E334 ----- Tartaric acid ----- food acid, obtained from unripe fruit, grape juice; no known adverse effects in small quantities E335 ----- Sodium tartrates ----- food acid; no known adverse effects E336 ----- Potassium tartrates ----- food acid; no known adverse effects E337 ----- Sodium potassium tartrate ----- food acid; no known adverse effects E338 ----- Phosphoric acid ----- food acid, derived from phosphate ore; used in cheese products; no known adverse effects E339 ----- Sodium phosphates ----- mineral salt, used as a laxative and a fixing agent in textile dyeing; high intakes may upset the calcium/phosphorus equilibrium E340 ----- Potassium phosphates ----- see 339 E341 ----- Calcium phosphates ----- mineral salt found in rocks and bones; used in medicines as an antacid and polishing agent in enamels E343 ----- Magnesium phosphates ----- essential mineral, anticaking agent found in salt substitutes E350 ----- Sodium malates ----- no known adverse effects E351 ----- Potassium malate ----- no known adverse effects E352 ----- Calcium malates ----- no known adverse effects E353 ----- Metatartaric acid ----- no known adverse effects E354 ----- Calcium tartrate ----- seems safe E355 ----- Adipic acid ----- food acid from the root adipose (pertaining to fat?) E357 ----- Potassium adipate ----- no known adverse effects E363 ----- Succinic acid ----- avoid it, banned in some countries E3120 ----- Sodium fumarate ----- food acid, salt of fumaric acid (derived from plants of the genus Fumaria esp. F.officianalis) E366 ----- Potassium fumarate ----- no known adverse effects E367 ----- Calcium fumarate ----- no known adverse effects E370 ----- 1,4-Heptonolactone ----- avoid it, banned in some countries E375 ----- Niacin ----- vitamin B3; naturally occurs in bean, pea and other legumes, milk, egg, meat, poultry, and fish; at doses in excess of 1,000 mg per day can cause liver damage, diabetes, gastritis, eye damage, and elevated blood levels of uric acid (which can cause gout); at amounts as low as 50-100 mg may cause flushing (harmless but painful), headache, and stomach-ache especially if taken on an empty stomach E380 ----- Tri-ammonium citrate ----- may interfere with liver and pancreas function E381 ----- Ammonium ferric citrates ----- essential mineral, food acid derived from citric acid; used as a dietary iron supplement in breakfast cereals and dietary formulas E385 ----- Calcium disodium EDTA ----- avoid it, banned in some countries E400 ----- Alginic acid ----- thickener and vegetable gum, derived from seaweed; used in custard mix, cordial, flavoured milk, ice blocks, thickened cream and yoghurt; no known adverse effects in small quantities, large quantities can inhibit the absorption of some nutrients E401 ----- Sodium alginate ----- see 400 E402 ----- Potassium alginate ----- see 400 E403 ----- Ammonium alginate ----- see 400 E404 ----- Calcium alginate ----- see 400 E405 ----- Propylene glycol alginate ----- thickener and vegetable gum, derived from petroleum; see separate entry E406 ----- Agar ----- thickener and vegetable gum derived from red seaweed; sometimes used as a laxative, found in manufactured meats and ice cream E407 ----- Carrageenan ----- a fibre extracted from seaweed, it has recently been linked with cancer because it may become contaminated when ethylene oxide is added to an inferior product, this results in ethylene chlorohydrins forming, a highly carcinogenic compound; linked to toxic hazards, including ulcers and cancer; the most serious concerns relate to degraded carrageen, which is not a permitted additive; however, native carrageen an, which is used, may become degraded in the gut E410 ----- Locust bean gum ----- derived from Carob or Locust bean tree Ceratonia siliqua; used in lollies, cordials, essences, some flour products, dressings, fruit juice drinks; frequently used as a caffeine-free chocolate substitute; may lower cholesterol levels E412 ----- Guar gum ----- derived from the seeds of Cyamoposis tetragonolobus of Indian origin; fed to cattle in the US; can cause nausea, flatulence and cramps, may reduced cholesterol levels E413 ----- Tragacanth ----- resin form the tree Astragalus gummifer; used in foods, drugs including nasal solutions, elixirs and tablets; also used as a binder in cosmetics; possible contact allergy E414 ----- Acacia gum----- derived from the sap of Acacia Sengal; easily broken down by the human digestive system; possible allergen, soothes irritations of mucous membranes E415 ----- Xanthan gum ----- derived from the fermentation of corn sugar with a bacterium E416 ----- Karaya gum ----- derived from the tree Sterculia urens; often used in conjunction with Carob (E 410), in ice cream, custard and sweets, as a filler for its capability to multiply its volume by 100 times with the addition of water; possible allergen E417 ----- Tara gum ----- derived from the Tara bush, Caesalpinia Spinosa is indigenous to Ecuador and Peru and is grown in Kenya E420 ----- Sorbitol ----- artificial sweetener and humectants; derived from glucose, either obtained from berries or synthesised; used in lollies, dried fruit, pastries, confectionary, low calorie foods, pharmaceutical syrups and ophthalmic preparations and is the seventh most widely used preservative in cosmetics; not permitted in foods for infants and young children, can cause gastric disturbance E421 ----- Mannitol ----- artificial sweetener and humectants; derived from seaweed or the manna ash tree; possible allergen, not permitted in infant foods due to its ability to cause diarrhoea and kidney dysfunction, also may cause nausea, vomiting; typical products are low calorie foods E422 ----- Glycerol ----- humectants and sweetener; oily colourless alcohol; derived by decomposition of natural fats with alkalis; usually as a by-product of soap making using animal fat or vegetable oil; can be obtained from petroleum products sometimes synthesised from propylene or fermented from sugar; used in flexible coatings on sausages and cheeses, also in crystallised and dried fruit, liqueurs and vodka. "Glycerine has been shown to protect against DNA damage induced by tumour promoters, ultraviolet lights and radiation, presumably via free radical scavenging"; large quantities can cause headaches, thirst, nausea and high blood sugar levels. Typical products are liquors, confectionary, dried fruit, low calorie foods E430 ----- ? ----- ? E431 ----- Polyoxyethylene stearate ----- ? E432 ----- Polysorbate 20 ----- avoid it, banned in some countries E433 ----- Polysorbate 80 ----- emulsifiers derived from animal fatty acids; used as synthetic flavourings, surfactants, defoaming agents and dough conditioners; may increase the absorption of fat-soluble substances E434 ----- Polysorbate 40 ----- avoid it, banned in some countries E435 ----- Polysorbate 60 ----- see 433 E436 ----- Polysorbate 120 ----- see 433 E440 [a] ----- Pectin ----- naturally occurring in the skins of apples; used to thicken jams, jellies and sauces; large quantities may cause temporary flatulence or intestinal discomfort E440 ----- Amidated pectin ----- no known adverse effects E441 ----- Gelatine ----- possible allergen, may contain 220, asthmatics and people allergic to sulphites beware! E442 ----- Ammonium phosphatides ----- no known adverse effects E450 ----- Diphosphates ----- High intakes may upset the calcium/phosphate equilibrium E460 ----- Cellulose ----- anti-caking agent; no adverse effects known E461 ----- Methyl cellulose ----- can cause flatulence, distension, intestinal obstruction E463 ----- Hydroxypropyl cellulose ----- avoid it, banned in some countries E464 ----- Hydroxypropyl methyl cellulose ----- no known adverse effects E4120 ----- Ethyl methyl cellulose ----- no known adverse effects E466 ----- Carboxy methyl cellulose, Sodium carboxy methyl cellulose ----- no known adverse effects E469 ----- Sodium caseinate ----- no known adverse effects E470 ----- Fatty acids salts ----- avoid it, banned in some countries E471 ----- Mono & di glycerides of fatty acids ----- no known adverse effects E472 ----- Fatty acid esters of glycerides ----- no known adverse effects E473 ----- Sucrose esters of fatty acids ----- no known adverse effects E474 ----- Sucroglycerides ----- avoid it, banned in some countries E475 ----- Polyglycerol esters of fatty acids ----- no known adverse effects E476 ----- Polyglycerol polyricinoleate ----- no known adverse effects E477 ----- Propylene glycol esters of fatty acids ----- derived from petroleum; no known adverse effects E478 ----- ? ----- ? E479 ----- Thermally oxidized soya bean oil interacted with mono- and diglycerides of fatty acids ----- ? E480 ----- Dioctyl sodium sulphosuccinate ----- awaiting results of studies E481 ----- Sodium stearoyl-2-lactylate ----- no known adverse effects E482 ----- Calcium stearoyl-2-lactylate ----- no known adverse effects E483 ----- Stearyl tartrate ----- avoid it, banned in some countries E491 ----- Sorbitan monos tearate ----- no known adverse effects E492 ----- Sorbitan tristearate ----- may increase the absorption of fat-soluble substances E493 ----- Sorbitan monolaurate ----- avoid it, banned in some countries E494 ----- Sorbitan mono-oleate ----- avoid it, banned in some countries E495 ----- Sorbitan monopalmitate ----- avoid it, banned in some countries E500 ----- Sodium carbonates ----- no known adverse effects in small quantities E501 ----- Potassium carbonates ----- no known adverse effects E503 ----- Ammonium carbonates ----- irritant to mucous membranes E504 ----- Magnesium carbonate ----- medically used as an antacid and laxative E507 ----- Hydrochloric acid ----- safe in small quantities E508 ----- Potassium chloride ----- large quantities can cause gastric ulceration E509 ----- Calcium chloride ----- derived from brine E510 ----- Ammonium chloride ----- should be avoided by people with impaired liver or kidney function. Typical products are flour products E511 ----- Magnesium chloride ----- magnesium is an essential mineral E513 ----- Sulphuric acid ----- avoid it, banned in some countries E514 ----- Sodium sulphates ----- may upset the body's water balance E515 ----- Potassium sulphates ----- no known adverse effects E516 ----- Calcium sulphate ----- derived from limestone E518 ----- Magnesium sulphate ----- a laxative E519 ----- Copper sulphate ----- essential mineral E524 ----- Sodium hydroxide ----- avoid it, banned in some countries E525 ----- Potassium hydroxide ----- avoid it, banned in some countries E526 ----- Calcium hydroxide ----- no adverse effects in small quantities E527 ----- Ammonium hydroxide ----- avoid it, banned in some countries E528 ----- Magnesium hydroxide ----- avoid it, banned in some countries E529 ----- Calcium oxide ----- safe in small quantities E530 ----- Magnesium oxide ----- avoid it, banned in some countries E535 ----- Sodium ferrocyanide ----- no adverse effects known E536 ----- Potassium ferrocyanide ----- by-product of coal gas production; low toxicity E540 ----- Dicalcium diphosphate ----- avoid it, banned in some countries E541 ----- Sodium aluminium phosphate, Acidic ----- avoid it, banned in some countries E542 ----- Bone phosphate ----- derived from bones; used in dried milk for coffee machines E544 ----- Calcium polyphosphates ----- avoid it, banned in some countries E545 ----- Ammonium polyphosphates ----- avoid it, banned in some countries E551 ----- Silicon dioxide ----- no adverse effects are known in food use E552 ----- Calcium silicate ----- derived from limestone and diatomaceous earth (the silicified skeletons of diatoms, a single celled plankton), antacid; no known adverse effects E553 [a] ----- Magnesium silicates ----- avoid it, banned in some countries E553 ----- Talc ----- has been linked to stomach cancer, typical products are polished rice, chocolate, confectionary E554 ----- Sodium aluminium silicate ----- used in salt, dried milk substitutes and flours; aluminium is known to cause placental problems in pregnancy and has been linked to Alzheimer's E556 ----- Calcium aluminium silicate ----- derived from minerals; used in milk powders; see E554 E558 ----- Bentonite ----- no known adverse effects E559 ----- Aluminium silicate (Kaolin) ----- no known adverse effects E570 ----- Stearic acid ----- possibly of animal origin; see stearates E572 ----- Magnesium stearate ----- no known adverse effects in food use E575 ----- Glucono delta-lactone ----- no known adverse effects E576 ----- Sodium gluconate ----- avoid it, banned in some countries E577 ----- Potassium gluconate ----- no known adverse effects E578 ----- Calcium gluconate ----- no known adverse effects E579 ----- Ferrous gluconate ----- colour-retention agent; derived from iron and glucose; used in olives, iron supplements; safe in small amounts E585 ----- Ferrous lactate ----- ? E620 ----- Glutamic acid ----- flavour enhancer, salt substitute; amino acid present in many animal and vegetable proteins, derived commercially from bacteria; might cause similar problems as MSG(621), young children should avoid it E621 ----- Monosodium glutamate (MSG) ----- flavour enhancer derived from the fermentation of molasses, salt substitute; adverse effects appear in some asthmatic people, not permitted in foods for infants and young children; typical products are canned vegetables, canned tuna, dressings, many frozen foods E622 ----- Monopotassium glutamate ----- can cause nausea, vomiting, diarrhoea, abdominal cramps; typical products are low sodium salt substitutes E623 ----- Calcium diglutamate ----- salt substitute, no known adverse effects E624 ----- Monoammonium glutamate ----- salt substitute, no known adverse effects E625 ----- Magnesium diglutamate ----- salt substitute, no known adverse effects E626 ----- Guanylic acid ----- may trigger gout E627 ----- Disodium guanylate ----- isolated from sardines or yeast extract; may trigger gout, not permitted in foods for infants and young children E629 ----- Calcium guanylate ----- may trigger gout E631 ----- Disodium inosinate ----- may be prepared from meat or sardines; may trigger gout, not permitted in foods for infants and young children E633 ----- Calcium inosinate ----- may trigger gout E635 ----- Disodium 5'-ribonucleotide ----- may be associated with itchy skin rashes up to 30 hours after ingestion; rashes may vary from mild to dramatic; the reaction is dose-related and cumulative, some individuals are more sensitive than others; typical foods include flavoured chips, instant noodles and party pies; avoid it, banned in some countries E636 ----- Maltol ----- derived from the bark of larch trees, pine needles, chicory wood, oils and roasted malt; it may be produced synthetically E637 ----- Ethyl maltol ----- derived from maltol E640 ----- Glycine & its sodium salt ----- ? E900 ----- Dimethyl polysiloxane ----- silicone based E901 ----- Beeswaxes ----- glazing agent, used to wax fruit; see bee products; occasionally causes allergic reactions E903 ----- Carnauba wax ----- derived from a South American palm; used in cosmetics and inks, and to wax fruit; occasionally causes allergic reactions E904 ----- Shellac ----- derived from insects; occasionally causes irritations of the skin E905 ----- Paraffins, Microcrystalline wax ----- may inhibit absorption of fats and fat soluble vitamins, mild laxative, there may be a link to bowel cancer; used on sweets, in processing yeast, vitamin tablets, dried fruit, confectionary, collagen E907 ----- Refined microcrystalline wax ----- avoid it, banned in some countries E913 ----- Lanolin ----- derived from sheep wool E920 ----- L-Cystein ----- flour treatment agent derived from animal hair and chicken feathers E921 ----- L-Cystin ----- see E920 E924 ----- Potassium bromate ----- large quantities can cause nausea, vomiting, diarrhoea, pain. Typical products are flour products E925 ----- Chlorine ----- destroys nutrients, carcinogen, in some areas tab water is contaminated with it, to make it 'safer' to drink. Typical products are flour products E926 ----- Chlorine dioxide ----- well...basically see 925 E927 ----- Azodicarbonamide ----- avoid it, banned in some countries E928 ----- Benzoyl peroxide ----- approved by FDA* for bleaching the carotenoids in refined flours; asthmatics and people with a history of allergies BEWARE, see 210 E931 ----- Nitrogen ----- used in freezing and vacuum packing; seems safe E932 ----- Nitrous oxide ----- seems quite safe in small quantities E950 ----- Acesulphane potassium ----- ? E951 ----- Aspartame ----- artificial sweetener, too many adverse effects possible to list, some people are allergic to aspartame, migraine headaches a common reaction in these people E952 ----- Cyclamic acid ----- calcium & sodium cyclamate, artificial sweetener; known to cause migraines and other reactions, can be carcinogenic, caused damage ot rats testicles and mouse embriyos in tests, banned in the US and UK due its links with cancer E954 ----- Saccharines ----- calcium & sodium saccharin; artificial sweetener derived from toluene (a known carcinogen); banned in 1977 in the US, but reinstated subject to strict labelling starting: "Use of this product may be hazardous to your health, this product contains saccharin which has been determined to cause cancer in laboratory animals" E957 ----- Thaumatin ----- artificial sweetener, a protein derived from the tropical plant Thaumococcus danielli; used to sweeten wines, bread and fruit E9120 ----- Maltitol, Hydrogenated glucose syrup ----- humectant, starch decomposed with digestive enzymes; used in confectionery, dried fruits, low-joule foods; laxative in high concentrations E967 ----- Xylitol ----- humectant, found in raspberries, plums, lettuce and endives, though produced for commercial purposes from wood pulp; caused kidney stones and a diuretic effect on test rats: a waste of time and the lives of the rats, for the JEFCA in 1983 ruled the tests invalid in relation to humans, the symptoms caused by 'physiological disturbances' in the rats!, we can only imagine what conditions led to upset rats; used in low-joule foods and carbohydratemodified sweets, icecream and jams E999 ----- Quillaia extract ----- foaming agent, emulsifier, natural surfactant; derived from chilean soap bark tree (Quillaia Saponaria); used in beer and soda; known to promote healing and reduce excessive oiliness in the skin E1100 ----- Amylase ----- derived from mould mushroom or pig pancreas E1200 ----- Polydextrose ----- seems safe in small doses E1201 ----- Polyvinylpyrrolidone ----- dispersing agent, coating for tablets; used in artificial sweeteners E1202 ----- Polyvinylpolypyrrolidone ----- clarifying agent for wine, colour and colloidal stabiliser E1400-E1450 ----- Starches ----- no known adverse effects E1505 ----- Triethyl acetate ----- part becomes alcohol in the body E1510 ----- Ethanol ----- alcohol E1517, E1518 ----- Glycerol acetates ----- humectants and solvent derived from glycerol; used to coat fresh fruit in the US E1520 ----- Propylene glycol ----- humectants, wetting agent, dispersing agent, petroleum based; its glycerine like taste has made it popular for children's medications and other elixirs; used in many topical creams and ointments, cosmetics, hair products and deodorants; has been linked with fatal heart attacks (when given intravenously), central nervous system depression and cosmetic or pharmaceutical contact dermatitis Albumin ----- a component (protein) from the serum of animal blood Ambergris ----- derived from whale Arachidonic acid ----- derived from liver, brain, animal origin gland or oil Aronia ----- derived from aronia arbutifolia; used as a taste expander in jelly, pudding, powdered deserts, yoghurt, milk deserts, creams, homogenised cheeses, confectionery products, crispy cakes, fruit creams, ice-creams and instant beverages Aspartic acid ----- derived from aspartame (see E951) Betaine ----- derived from oil Biotin ----- colourless crystalline growth vitamin of the vitamin B complex found especially in yeast, liver, and egg yolk; no side effects are known, it is being tested Caffeine ----- an alkaloid that exists naturally in tea, kola nut and coffee; clearly toxic in high doses, can cause heart palpitations, high blood pressure, vomiting, convulsions, headache, diarrhoea, frequent urination, dehydration, insomnia, stomach cramps, hand tremors, muscle twitches; acts as laxative, also saps the body's supply of calcium; used as a mild stimulant in moderation Casein ----- phosphoprotein of milk, which has a molecular structure that is extremely similar to that of gluten; celiac people have to avoid Catalase ----- derived from cattle liver Cholesterin ----- Cinnamon ----- spice made from bark; may be allergic Citrus Red No.2 ----- cancer in animals; used for dying skins of oranges Civet ----- derived from cat Clove Bud Oil ----- natural essential oil steamed-distilled from clove buds (syzygium atmaticum); may be allergic Colin bitartrate ----- animal origin tissue Collagen ----- Enzyme ----- Erythritol ----- produced through a fermentation process that begins with dextrose (a simple sugar derived from corn starch), also derived from calf stomach; used as a sweetener for beverages and confectionery products Ethyl Vanillin ----- a perfumed artificial vanilla flavouring, it is 3 1/2 times more powerful than the real thing and cheaper too, this explains why manufacturers like to use it in soft drinks, ice creams and baked goods; generally recognized as safe Evans Blue CI Direct Blue 53 ----- contact dermatitis FD&C Green No.3 Fast Green ----- bladder tumours FD&C Red No.102 New Coccine ----- it is an allergen; not permitted to use for foods FD&C Yellow No.11 ----- contact dermatitis Fructose ----- this carbohydrate and simple sugar (monosaccharide) occurs naturally in honey and fresh fruits; commercial bakers use it in cakes, breads and cookies to make them brown better Gentian Violet CI Basic Violet No.3 ----- contact dermatitis Glucuronolactone, Glucuronic acid ----- a naturally occurring substance in the body, made in the liver from glucose, helps to stimulate the metabolism and thus helps to detoxify the body; also occurs in plants, mainly in gums; also an important constituent of fibrous and connective tissues in all animals Glycerides ----- components of fats; used to stabilize sausages, lard, vegetable oils, margarines and shortenings, the most widely used of them is monoglyceride citrate, although the FDA* imposes strict limits Glycogen ----- Gliadin ----- wheat is the first consideration; it is a major ingredient in breads, rolls, pastry, cakes, cookies and most baked products; noodles macaroni and spaghetti are typically made with wheat; celiac people have to avoid Guaiacol ----- has been used for decades in compounded products as an expectorant Hormone ----- Hydrolyzed Vegetable Protein (HVP) ----- cereal gluten; glutens are proteins found in the plant kingdom subclass of monocotyledonae (monocots); these plants are members of the grass family of wheat, oat, barley, rye and triticale and their derivatives, (derivatives include: malt, grain starches, hydrolysed vegetable/plant proteins, textured vegetable proteins, grain vinegars, soy sauce, grain alcohol, flavourings and the binders and fillers found in vitamins and medications.); celiac people have to avoid, celiac disease (also known as celiac sprue or gluten-sensitive enteropathy) is a chronic disease in which malabsorption of nutrients is caused by a characteristic lesion of the small intestine mucosa; used in smallgoods, packaged convenience foods, gravies and many canned products. It is also present in excipients in pharmaceutical preparations, particularly vitamin and mineral supplements Hydrolyzed Plant Protein (HPP) ----- same as HVP Keratin ----- derived from nail or hair Lipid, Lipoid ----- Lysin-L Lysin-DL ----- same as erythritol Maltodextrin, Mdltrin ----- natural, complex carbohydrate, it is not a simple sugar (dextrose, fructose, sucrose etc.); can be derived from potato or corn starch; used in food industry such as sweets, drink, bear, ice cream, preserved fruit, milk powder, malted mild, cake, biscuit and bread, as well as in medicine, textile, printing and dyeing, paper making, casting and petroleum drilling; generally recognized as safe Menthol ----- crystalline alcohol that occurs especially in mint oils, has the sharp fragrance and cooling properties of peppermint; may be allergic Metionine ----- derived from protein Neutral Red ----- contact dermatitis Nucleıc acid ----- derived from cells Oleamine, Oleic acid ----- Rennet ----- cheese yeast derived from calf stomach Oxysterin ----- Palmitic acid ----- Panthenol ----- Pepsin ----- Phenylalanine, Phenylanine ----- essential amino acid; the body uses it to produce some hormones (epinephrine, norepinephrine, thyroxine, cholecystokinin) and melanin, (a brown skin pigment); cholecystokinin causes suppression of the appetite (this may be useful to sports people who need to reduce body fat or maintain a certain weight); pain relieving effects of phenylalanine may be of use to athletic people who experience pain due to muscle, ligament, joint and tendon injury, inflammation and spasms which commonly result from intense exercise Phenylephrine ----- decongestant which helps relieve nasal congestion; used in pharmacy; side effects are nausea, stomach upset, loss of appetite, nervousness, restlessness, dizziness, headache, chest pain, rapid heart rate, anxiety, fear, difficult or painful urination and sleeplessness Phospholipide ----- cheese yeast Polypeptides ----- PolyVinylPolyPyrrolidone, PVPP ----- white powder added to beer for removing phenolic compounds, then beer is clear and has long shelf life Progesterone ----- Salicylate ----- salt of salicylic acid; used in candies, pies, soft drinks and sweet rolls Quinine dihydrochloride, Quinine sulfate ----- toxic alkaloid extracted from the bark of chinchona tree; used as flavorings in carbonated beverages (primarily bitter lemon and tonic water), bitters and as a treatment for malaria; side effects are headache, nausea, ringing in the ears and blurred vision; FDA strictly limits the amounts of it that can be used Taurine ----- nonessential amino acid; produced by synthesis of the amino acids methionine and cysteine in the liver, vitamin B6 helps the process; diabetic and hypoglycemic patients should use taurine under medical supervision as it may have an effect on insulin activity, excessive consumption of taurine may result in diarrhea and peptic ulcer formation Thiamine ----- a source of vitamin B1; functions as a coenzyme in energy metabolism, keeps appetite, digestive tract and nervous system healthy; adverse effects in high doses are headache, irritability, rapid pulse, trembling and weakness Thimerosal ----- very effective preservative that contains mercury and has been used in some vaccines and other products; FDA* estimates that it is used in more than 30 licensed vaccines and biologics; mercury is excreted from the body over time; nervous system is very sensitive to all forms of mercury, methyl mercury and metal vapors are more harmful than other forms, exposure to high levels of metallic, inorganic or organic mercury can permanently damage the brain, kidneys and developing fetus, effects on brain functioning may result in irritability, shyness, tremors, changes in vision or hearing and memory problems Torula ----- high-protein derived from wood sugars as a by-product of the pulping process in paper making; type S is used in baby food and cereals, type F is used in feed supplements for cattle, fish and chickens; allergen for hay fever and asthma Zinc ----- essential element for humans; naturally occurs in meat (especially liver), fish (especially shellfish), lentils, green leafy vegetables, whole cereals (including wheat germ), brewer's yeast, cheese, milk, nuts, sunflower and sesame seeds; toxic doses of zinc cause vomiting, diarrhea, restlessness, stomach irritation, depressed immune function and anemia; excessive zinc doses may decrease the level of HDL ("good") cholesterol and increase the risk for heart disease Ссылка на комментарий Поделиться на других сайтах More sharing options...
Уайта Опубликовано: 10 ноября 2008 Поделиться Опубликовано: 10 ноября 2008 Не. я так не играю. То пишут - цинк - необходимый элемент для человека, и тут же - мол переборщил дело плохо. Как узнать - много или мало.. Ссылка на комментарий Поделиться на других сайтах More sharing options...
help Опубликовано: 10 ноября 2008 Поделиться Опубликовано: 10 ноября 2008 Цинк - 40 мг/день для взрослых макс. предел, 20 мг норма. Вообще, надо бы таблицу нацарапать на досуге... Ссылка на комментарий Поделиться на других сайтах More sharing options...
djon1970 Опубликовано: 17 ноября 2008 Поделиться Опубликовано: 17 ноября 2008 А скажите через какое время "появляется эфект" после съедания ВРЕДНЫХ продуктов. :) Ссылка на комментарий Поделиться на других сайтах More sharing options...
FROL Опубликовано: 17 ноября 2008 Поделиться Опубликовано: 17 ноября 2008 А скажите через какое время "появляется эфект" после съедания ВРЕДНЫХ продуктов. :) Смотря сколько съешь, смотря чего, смотря какой организм, смотря что для него вредное, смотря какое время года, и многое-многое другое... Диапазон - от 1 часа до 1 месяца. Ссылка на комментарий Поделиться на других сайтах More sharing options...
GreenFlowers Опубликовано: 17 ноября 2008 Поделиться Опубликовано: 17 ноября 2008 Смотря сколько съешь, смотря чего, смотря какой организм, смотря что для него вредное, смотря какое время года, и многое-многое другое... Диапазон - от 1 часа до 1 месяца. Это и есть корень всех проблем при лечении псора...как обидно :) Ссылка на комментарий Поделиться на других сайтах More sharing options...
Erika Опубликовано: 21 декабря 2008 Поделиться Опубликовано: 21 декабря 2008 Люди!!! Нужна помошь ваша! Ни фига не могу разобраться в этих списках и вообше тогда ничего не понимаю,почему нам что-то можно, а что-то нельзя. Вот вроде нельзя крахмал. А в гречке,в 100 граммах ( по сведениям на этом сайте) 63.2г...а в картошке,которую нам совсем нельзя всего 15г. и белков меньше чем у той же,мной любимой гречки в 6 раз...загадка однако :P Ссылка на комментарий Поделиться на других сайтах More sharing options...
FROL Опубликовано: 2 января 2009 Поделиться Опубликовано: 2 января 2009 В форуме уже отмечали, что продукты, вызывающие аллергическую реакцию, как правило, провоцируют и псориаз. А почему провокатором является шоколад? (вообще - какао-продукты).. Gap когда-то писала об этом. Вот еще попалась ссылка - : Почему шоколад провоцирует аллергию, известно не всем. Какао-бобы собирают в тропических странах, где гигиена оставляет желать лучшего. Эти бобы обожают тараканы, поэтому в мешках и ящиках с какао всегда много хитина - останков тараканов. А это сильнейший аллерген! Зерна какао не проходят на кондитерских фабриках дезинсекцию, термообработка при изготовлении шоколада недостаточна - вот и попадает хитин в организм потребителя... И никакой шоколад - из самых уважаемых европейских стран и с лучших кондитерских фабрик - не свободен от этого серьезного дефекта. Ссылка на комментарий Поделиться на других сайтах More sharing options...
Ириша-Балериша Опубликовано: 7 января 2009 Поделиться Опубликовано: 7 января 2009 Новую жизнь - с пустого листа, чипсы и колу - нах...й! Я к вам новенькая на форум,но с оооочень стареньким псориазом,уже лет 30 наверное... Думаю,как хорошо,что я нашла этот форум...А то кола у меня главный напиток... Значит решено-"нет коле"!!!!!!! Ссылка на комментарий Поделиться на других сайтах More sharing options...
New_life Опубликовано: 13 февраля 2009 Поделиться Опубликовано: 13 февраля 2009 Привет всем! Не знаю, выкладывали тут эту статью или нет, кто не читал - обязательно прочитайте. Любителям колбасы, сахара и прочего посвящается. :) Ссылка на комментарий Поделиться на других сайтах More sharing options...
Ingeborga Опубликовано: 17 февраля 2009 Поделиться Опубликовано: 17 февраля 2009 Заменить сахар фруктозой не лучшая идея. Ссылка на комментарий Поделиться на других сайтах More sharing options...
Dead Bride Опубликовано: 17 февраля 2009 Поделиться Опубликовано: 17 февраля 2009 Статья хорошая, спасибо. Только после нее подумалось, что из еды прийдется оставить токмо нашу любимую мировую гречку и фрукты-овощи. Сахара, кстати, давно не кушаю, сейчас вот думаю вообще всякие сладости искоренить из рациона (тем более, как я писала в другой теме, сладкое меня не шибко возбуждает). Ссылка на комментарий Поделиться на других сайтах More sharing options...
Donya Опубликовано: 25 февраля 2009 Поделиться Опубликовано: 25 февраля 2009 (изменено) Выявила для себя новый провокатор обостреня - черная редька.Позавчера хорошенько подъела салата из редьки.Запах очень не понравился,но сидя на диете(в целях уменьшения веса) и при полном отсутствии желания что-либо готовить,пришлось отужинать у подружки редькой с черным хлебом.Как результат сегодня обнаружила четыре новых точки на кистях рук и штук пять на ногах.Больше грешить не на что.Питаюсь сейчас как язвенник(за исключением позавчерашнего),сезон прошел,на работе и дома все зашибись! Итак,имею из продуктов тройку ярковыраженных лидеров: креветки, водка(иногда), редька (по ней статистика,конечно,маловата,но еще экспериментировать вряд ли буду. Изменено 25 февраля 2009 пользователем Donya Ссылка на комментарий Поделиться на других сайтах More sharing options...
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